All about Spectacles
Frames and lenses are a far cry from their origins in the 13th Century. From “pebble lenses” made in Murano and Rivet frames, frames are now even made from buffalo horn, titanium and carbon fibre. Lens technology has followed suit with lightweight and ultra thin resin lenses in just about any shape imaginable. In short, modern technology allows us to tailor-make spectacles to any prescription and for any task they are required.
We source our from manufacturers locally and abroad to ensure we can offer styles to suit all tastes and budgets. Back that up with a 12 month warranty and a 30 day Love Your Glasses Guarantee you can be assured to be happy with your choice.
Most of our lenses are manufactured in Switzerland, synonymous with quality and precision. This helps to make your vision through your glasses as reliable as a Swiss watch.
All lens designs are available, including:
SINGLE VISION – A single focus lens used for either distance tasks (like driving) or for near (like reading).
BIFOCAL – These lenses have 2 focus points and typically have the “tell tale” line to demarcate the two. These are primarily used to combine distance and reading prescriptions in one lens.
PROGRESSIVE – Also known as Multifocal or Varifocal. These are lenses with an extended range of focus points. This allows for more versatility and gives clear vision at distance, near and the areas in between.
OCCUPATIONAL – These lenses are designed for the office or workspace. They have enhanced fields of view for near and intermediate tasks.
SPORTS – We can fit most sports frames with prescription lenses. Specific frames, tints and lens materials are used for the particular sport required.

Book Your Eye Examination Now
Principal Optometrist and owner Justin Hardy, or one of our other experienced Optometrists, will conduct a thorough 45 minute consultation with you. Taking the extra time to talk to you and understand your specific vision needs, we’ ll be able to give you personalised advice and recommendations that will make a difference to you.